Werner Bogula

6 Reviews.


Werner Bogula is a true digital native and analogue lute player from Hamburg. As a media manager for AOL and freenet he contributed to the establishment of the internet in Germany. After finding out that he was not made for corporate life, he has been making a living as a start-up founder, developer and trainer for journalists and activists all over the world. He has a master's degree in Natural Language Processing and a Machine Learning certificate from Stanford. Currently he is working as a research fellow for the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), where he explores the latest developments in Digital Diplomacy for the German Federal Foreign Office.


4 (6)
KISS* stellt umfangreiches Material zum besseren Verständnis und zur Auseinandersetzung mit der wichtigen Zukunftstechnologie der Künstlichen Intel...
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